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Natura 2000Life

The project

This is the official web site of the LIFE+ project called  "One deer, two Islands: conservation of Red Deer Cervus elaphus corsicanus in Sardinia and Corse" (founded by LIFE+ Nature and coded LIFE11 NAT/IT/00210). 

This project deals with a partnership between Sardinia and Corsica realized by this governative agencies: Provincia del Medio Campidano (leader) - Ente Foreste della Sardegna - Parco Regionale della Corsica - Provincia Ogliastra - I.S.P.R.A.  

Actions are scheduled through five-year (2012- 2018) and aim to improve the conservation status of endemic Red Deer (Cervus elaphus corsicanus).


Here is the downloadable PDF cartography, relating to the trails - created in Sardinia as in Corsica - for tourist enhancement and the paths created in 4 locations in Sardinia...

On March the 1st and 2nd, the international final conference took place in Cagliari. During the conference experts discussed fauna management policies as well as they showed the Project results.

Another five Sardinian-Corse Deer were transferred from Costa Verde (Province of Ogliastra)

More and more students from the island's schools are involved in educational activities by the Project staff.

The monitoring activities of liberated deer in Corsica continued even during heavy snowfall of last few days.

New information boards available on the most popular Corsica hiking tracks.