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Natura 2000Life

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Action E1: Communication plan and information material.

Communication and information material to the regular visitors of the interested areas. The project’s website will be the cornerstone of the communication, not only for the planned activities, but also for the spread of the achieved results.

The communication plan is an instrument that allows to program and manage the actions of communication, in order to achieve the specific strategic objectives of the project.

It has three main goals:

  1. Strategic, because it helps the project’s partners in the conservations measures of the sites;
  2. Intermediation between internal and external communication, promoting that so called “integrated communication”;
  3. Incentive and building of bi-directional relations between the organization and the public, to whom the communication is intended.

The communication plan is, moreover, an instrument of coordination among the involved people, of the local strategies and the actions of communication that the organizers use to facilitate the achievement of their communicational objectives.

The communication plan is also an organizational process that can be articulated in three different phases:

  • Planning and drafting of the project;
  • Implementation, phase of realization and management of the events and information material, described for each action;
  • Evaluation, phase of analysis of the achieved results, of the impact on the areas involved, and of any discrepancy between them and the established objectives.

The population in Corsica is consciousness of the reintroductions’ importance. Lots of meeting have been held, as well as several TV specials and newspapers articles. In Sardinia the topic was discussed in many public meetings in the provinces involved.

The communication plan will define the layout and the logos that must be used in every media. It will establish the project’s interventions and the deadlines for the actions; it will list the contacts that the communication manager has to collaborate with, to send the press releases, the spread of the project among the interested municipalities.

In the context of this action, it will be defined the graphical presentation of the products related to the LIFE Project, general and specific information about Natura 2000, according to the guidelines of the document:  “Best practice – a method for dissemination and implementation of project results (2006)” e “LIFE-Nature: Communicating with stakeholders and the general public - Best practices examples for Natura 2000 (2005)”.

All the products must show the logo of the Natura 2000 project and the ones of the financiers LIFE, CE.